DBC March Bicycle Madness... Mileage Tracker Site

Login page

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Username is the name that you will use to login to the mileage tracker. It is also the name that will be shown to anyone who displays all the data for the entire group. It is your choice. It can be your real name or an alias. You may even want to use the same name you used last year.
Password is encrypted and no one, not even the system admin, can see your password. Please remember it. If you forget your password you must click "Forgot your password?" on the Login screen and you will be e-mailed a new one by the system.
Confirm Password is a double check that you typed the first password correctly.
Name and Address is needed to find out if you are really a DBC member.
Email address is necessary for security checks and to communicate details about the event as the month progresses.
Goal allows categorization in the database and helps others see how many are in the same group.
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